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Monday, January 7, 2013


      Mention kinds of kinds of data processing! Explain!
Electronic data processing / electronic data processing (EDP)   Is a method in a commercial data processing as part of the   information technology. EDP ​​data processing repeatedly against similar data   with a relatively simple form of processing.
2.       Explain the role of tools Input, Output, Software, in solving the problem!
·          Input and output equipment is important for managers, especially in providing
communication between the computer manager.
·          Input device, such as MIRC and ORC units provide a way to incorporate
data into the database, either when the transaction or shortly
·          Many units of output used in problem solving is not
·          Manager will ask a member of staff to collect information from the tape
microfilm and then displays summarized in a written report.
3.       Understanding E-Commerce
A. Understanding E-comerce Simply E-Commere can be defined as the application of E-bussines concept as a strategy for the sale of goods and services through electronic networks and electronic data typically involves transactions, automated inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. This is due to the rapid development of information technology both in terms of efficiency and safety, sehinnga bring ideas to make the idea of information technology as a medium to do the marketing, promotion, and even transaction data is considered to be more efficient and facilitate transactions.

B.      profit E-comerce
Here are some of the benefits of e-commerce:
·          knows no limits on the place because the transaction can occur even if the consumer and the seller are in place yangberlainan
·          streamline the time because it does not recognize any boundaries or e-commerce transactions can be conducted for 24 hours.
·          To fewer employees needed to do the transaction so as to erode the spending budget of the selling firm.
C.      Loss E-comerce
Berkut is a lack of implementation of e-commerce:
·            frequent occurrence of such a fictitious credit card fraud, deception or sometimes sellers against customers because of laws regulating e-commerce are still not very developed.
·          Consumers can not see directly the condition of items to be purchased
·          Narrow your job because the e-commerce industry does not need more employees to serve the transaction.
4.       A. What do you know about the file, call and explain the File Types!
File is the set of all records related.
File Type:
·          Parent files, important files containing records that is in
needed in the company. Divided into two, namely:
Parent Static file: Rarely changes its value, for example: employee data
  Dynamic Parent File: recordnya often change as a result of
example: inventory file
·          Transaction file, used to record data obtained from a
transactions, such as sales or registrations Fike transactions taking

·          File report, also called the output file that contains information that is
the results of data processing.
·          History files, also called srsip file containing the data of the past that have been
no longer active, but still kept.
·          A copy of the file, containing a copy of the files that are still active in the
database at a certain time.
B. How does the organization of traditional database systems to proceed!
Organizing system, the database still fragmented between database
one with the other databases, so a lot of the negative effect
caused, among other things:
·          Redundancy or duplication of data. Cause information to become less
accurate, in fact there is a difference because the data is already in
while duplicate update yet.
·          Dependence on the particular application program used to
process of each database in the wake.
·          Dependence on a particular application program that causes SI
formed to be less flexible.
·          Severability databases with each other resulting in the level of
Data security is low.
·          The use of data with very less so that the database can be less
explored / processed to generate reports manajeral
depatremental cross.
5.       Describe the three levels of data representation and explain!

1. Level sightings presentation, representation of the results of database processing
using SI in a format that is easy to understand by the user.

2. Conceptual level, exposing data files created and
relation to one another in a database environment.
3. Physical level, the lowest stage of abstraction data showing the structure
and the type of data and how the data is stored and
organized in the storage media.

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